The day has come! I am fully retired from my 52-years long working career.
Now… I shall…
Breathe rush or need to DO anything. It would be a dream come true to be able to count to infinity before I am done: 1, 2, 3, 4, ...5, ...6, …7, …8, …,9, ...10, ...11, …without once thinking of a pink elephant.
Time is important only to those who keep track of it. Time passes. That is the ONLY thing it does. The night always follows the day (although, it is possible that day may actually be following night) and the moon will become full and then disappear, only to reappear month after month.
Through seasons, through years, thru decades, thru centuries….thru entire eras, over and over… which now includes my 52 years of labor.
Time has relentlessly passed.
I am a rider from the stars, as is my wife, my family, my friends, my dog, and the totality of humanity.
THE QUESTION: Does a single additional drop of water make a difference to the ocean?
Of course it does! Has my 52 years made a difference? I am certain it has. And still counting.
*In explanation of the above: When trying to imagine 52 years as it occurs in real time from its 1st day to its 52nd year anniversary encompasses about 19,000 days. Is that a lot of time? Looking out from day one it surely is, looking back from day 19,000 it seems like a blink. What I am trying to express here is the dichotomy between LIVING the EXPERIENCE of time passing – my reality – and my actual INFLUENCE on the passing of time itself. I matter.